Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Our A-mazing students - Service in Prague

The focus of our social justice project is with the Kralupy Rugby League. Our goal is to promote organized sports (rugby!) in the hopes that it will diminish discrimination against the socially disadvantaged and will encourage and enhance physical development, psycho-social development, and community cohesion. Today we went to a "naked," concrete basketball court and set up "game stations" in hopes that the youth would come. It was kind of like the "build-and-they-will-come" concept. And indeed they did! At first there were 4 or 5 kids, then there were 10 - 12, then there were 20, then 30, then 40, then 50...It was truly an amazing success!

The Kralupy Rugby director and trainer joined us about 2 hours into the event and taught us all how to play rugby. And for those who chose to do something different, we had students helping kids with soccer, playing with play dough, playing hand games, learning new handshakes, and just connecting with each other on a level we could not have imagined. The kids were asking for our students' autograph, hanging onto their arms, necks, and legs...absolutely feeling like someone famous had come to their village. At one point the little girls asked our girls if they knew Hannah Montana and Justin Beber and had they seen them walking around America!

We all walked away with hearts wide open, so full and so joyful! We return tomorrow.


  1. We are thoroughly enjoying the blog and updates... really a way to feel we are somehow joining in the great sights, sounds, and experiences of the SEU group! Keep the stories coming! The Caulo Family

  2. @jcaulo: I'm so glad you are following our adventure! You would have been proud as punch at your sweet Stephanie yesterday. She was incredible with the Kralupy kids and they ADORED her! The little girls wanted their picture taken with her! As we walked back to the train station after a long day, I had to laugh because her t-shirt was covered in stickers (a true sign that she is loved!). Stay tuned for more!!!!
